Friends, here is a pledge update from the Stewardship Committee: Thank you for the additional pledges we have received since last week. As of Wednesday, December 18, we have received pledges totaling $179,730. We are still $43,635 short of our asking budget. Please pledge if you have not already. If you have already pledged, please consider increasing your pledge. Thanks to everyone for their support of Pisgah.
If you’re not able to make it to church this Sunday, you can still “attend” the service via the YouTube link below:
Join us on Christmas Eve for either one (or both!) of our services: 5:30p.m. for our family-friendly service or 11:00p.m. for our traditional service with communion.
Jim Rodgers has gathered some thoughts on how Jesus might like for us to spend his birthday this Christmas. You can check them out by clicking here.
This Sunday
9:45a.m. Sunday School 11:00a.m. Worship
Upcoming Events 12/24 — Church Office Closed 12/24 — Family Friendly Service — 5:30p.m. 12/24 — Traditional Service with Communion — 11:00p.m. 12/25 — Church Office Closed